We're ready to help you sell your property. Contact us by filling out the form below and we'll get in touch with you shortly.
Judy was enormously helpful and responsive when we
sold our home in New Haven. She guided us through the
listing process, arranged a photographer to portray our
home in the best light, coordinated 15 showings, helped
us to manage multiple offers, and ultimately got us our
asking price! She answered late night emails, texts, phone
calls--and all with her characteristic smile and cheer. This
was a stressful time in our life--a new baby, new jobs,
moving to a new city--and Judy made it as easy as
possible. She knows the Westville market better than
anyone, and we truly felt she had our best interests at
heart. We trusted her, loved the results, and would
enthusiastically recommend her to anyone looking to sell
(or buy) a home in New Haven.
If you are buying or selling, you must call Judy. Full Stop.
My experience is that it’s not just the Judy clearly "knows
her stuff," knows the market, and has a decades long track
record of success, it’s that Judy takes the time to not only
learn what you are looking for in a transaction.....she also
takes the time to learn what is important to you. In my
recent home sale, she educated about the process, built
consensus around priorities, and moved with dispatch to
ready the home for sale. We had an offer the first day the
house was on the market and were under contract with
an above asking price within 5 days. As my agent, Judy
showed herself to be tough on issues and kind with
people. Her approach gets the job done!